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Interviews in newspapers and publications on the book "Heritage, families and weddings"


Armando Cecatiello has released a series of interviews to various large and small newspapers. Below we report the various links with the quotes that we invite you to read and the complete and unpublished video of the interview held on June 28, 2022 at Palazzo Cusani in Milan, subsequently disseminated to all newspapers.



rights-duties-families-assets-24 hours


"Rights, duties, families, assets: a book to take stock" from Il Sole 24 ORE.

Rights, duties, families, assets: a book to take stock

A particular focus is then reserved on the subject of the regulatory situation in Italy and on the duties in the family and patrimonial sphere. “By caring a lot for children - concluded Armando Cecatiello - I can say that very often we forget what our duties are towards our children and this is amply demonstrated in the book. Awareness is related to the commitment we must have towards others, children, but also companions. It is essential that there is knowledge of what our duties are, through the book I tried to give a simple but exhaustive reading, intended a little for everyone ".

Read the full article ➡️ https://stream24.ilsole24ore.com/video/italia/diritti-doveri-famiglie-patrimonio-libro-fare-punto/AEjWLKjB


Il Dolomiti: “the new book by Avv. Armando Cecatiello "

Rights, duties, families, assets: a book to take stock

Milan, June 30 How to regulate oneself in a society where family relationships have changed and gradually become more complex, with a greater weight of property issues. This is the book “Heritage, Families and Weddings” by Armando Cecatiello. “I am a lawyer - the author told askanews - and I have been practicing family law for 25 years. I have seen that unfortunately people are not so up-to-date, sometimes they have gaps in their rights and duties ".

Read the full article ➡️ https://www.ildolomiti.it/video/cronaca/2022/il-video-diritti-doveri-famiglie-patrimonio-un-libro-per-fare-il-punto



Conquiste del Lavoro: the new book by Armando Cecatiello

The lawyer Armando Cecatiello: rules and advice for orientation

The volume, in collaboration with Forbes, shows a cross-section of Italian society that is not yet fully aware of its fundamental rights, the rules and the consequences of certain choices. For this Cecatiello in the book also gives specific examples. "From the patrimonial point of view - added the lawyer - now everyone is advised to do the separation of assets, but there are also other solutions, especially for those with important assets, to protect themselves, but also for their descendants , wives, companions or husbands ".

Read the full article ➡️ http://www.conquistedellavoro.it/breaking-news/diritti-doveri-famiglie-e-patrimonio-un-libro-fa-il-punto-br-l-avvocato-armando-cecatiello-regole-e-consigli-per-orientarsi-1.2924549

Libero Quotidiano: “the reform of the family process”.

Civil trial, Armando Cecatiello: "The real impact of the reform"

“The areas affected by the entry into force of the provisions contained in the delegated law for the reform of the civil process are different and important: the attractive competence of the ordinary court, the control by the judge for the measures adopted pursuant to art. 403 cc, the rules on assisted negotiation also for the regulation of custody and maintenance of children born out of wedlock "- affirms the lawyer Armando Cecatiello, who for over twenty-five years has been dealing with family and personal law, and protection of heritages and author of the book “Heritage Families and Weddings. Knowing one's rights and duties for conscious and serene choices ”(BFC Books, 2022).

Read the full article ➡️ https://www.liberoquotidiano.it/news/giustizia/32147180/processo-civile-armando-cecatiello-vero-impatto-riforma.html

Interview released to Agenparl.eu

Reform of the civil trial: Armando Cecatiello "particularly significant changes relating to the special trustee: he will have specific powers to represent the minor and the duty to listen to the assisted person"

“The changes relating to the Special Curator that strengthen the protection of the minor are particularly relevant, because it means leaving the appointment to the discretion of the judge in the event that the parents prove temporarily inadequate to represent the interests of the minor. The Special Curator will thus have specific powers to represent the minor - as already recognized by the Constitution - and will have the duty to listen to the minor assisted "- comments the lawyer Armando Cecatiello.

Read the full article ➡️https://agenparl.eu/2022/06/21/riforma-del-processo-civile-armando-cecatiello-modifiche-relative-al-curatore-speciale-particolarmente-rilevanti-avra-specifici-poteri-di-rappresentanza-del-minore-e-il-dovere-di-procedere/

Interview released to Conquistedellavoro.it

Legal Justice: the reform of the civil process is relevant

It becomes more and more complicated - even for the judges themselves - to regulate in a society where even family relationships have changed and become gradually more complex and patrimonial issues have an ever greater weight to guarantee the well-being of the individual and his family, in whatever form it is.

Read the full article ➡️ http://www.conquistedellavoro.it/breaking-news/giustizia-legale-rilevante-la-riforma-del-processo-civile-br-modifiche-relative-al-curatore-speciale-1.2914926

Interview released to Liberoquotidiano.it

Civil trial, Armando Cecatiello: "The real impact of the reform"

Thus the set of rules and conventions that have pushed our national system to harmonize with the laws of other European countries continues to expand, in conjunction with a sudden change in society in which, however, there is still misinformation about fundamental rights, the rules and consequences of the individual's personal choices in relation to a complex and constantly changing regulatory landscape.

Read the full article ➡️ https://www.liberoquotidiano.it/news/giustizia/32147180/processo-civile-armando-cecatiello-vero-impatto-riforma.html

Donna Moderna News: "Heritage, families and weddings"

Donna Moderna News: "Heritage, families and weddings"

Maintenance allowance: how to agree

THEmaintenance allowance for the children it is always a "hot" topic, without distinguishing between social classes, and the news regularly shows it to us: to discuss themaintenance allowance Juve coach Massimiliano Allegri and Piero Chiambretti, in controversy with their exes, also ended up in court. "Maintenance remains one of the major battlegrounds between the former, also because in our country, unlike others, there are no rules or tables to establish the amount automatically ", explains the lawyer Armando Cecatiello, an expert in family law and asset protection, and author of the book Families and Weddings. Know your rights and duties for conscious and serene choices just released in collaboration with Forbes. «It is the judge who decides from time to time if and how much one of the two parents owes the other for the maintenance of the children. And it is essentially based on two criteria: the current standard of living of the parents, that of the family when it was still united and the actual costs of the children ». However, this is often the main source of disagreement. How to best agree, then?

Read the full article ➡️ https://www.donnamoderna.com/news/i-nostri-soldi/separazione-assegno-di-mantenimento?amp=true


Amp.today.it: new book by Armando Cecatiello

Rights, duties, families, assets: a book to take stock

The basic theme, in essence, is that of awareness: both on the level of the life choices that are made, and on the more technical one of the legal and juridical aspects that can be connected to these choices.

Read the full article ➡️ https://amp.today.it/video/diritti-doveri-famiglie-patrimonio-un-libro-per-fare-il-punto-agukx.askanews.html

Forbes - Official article in Armando Cecatiello's book "Heritage, families and marriages"

Marriage, divorce, retirement: the book of the Bfc Books series on the property issues of a family

The book also offers important insights and insights on: getting married, having a child, separating, divorcing, giving an important gift, taking out an insurance policy, choosing a pension fund, changing jobs, pursuing a business activity, changing residence and Village. Situations that have consequences not only for us but also for others. Consequences not only in personal relationships but also in economic ones.

The volume, the result of professional experience in the protection of individuals and families, is thus dedicated to those who want to make informed decisions in light of the possibilities that are given to us by national but also international regulations to protect ourselves and the people we care about.

Read the full article ➡️ https://forbes.it/2022/07/06/matrimonio-divorzio-pensione-il-libro-della-collana-bfc-books-sulle-questioni-patrimoniali-legate-alle-scelte-di-vita/

Ilfattoquotidiano.it reveals how useful the "Heritage, families and marriages" book is


Ilfattoquotidiano.it reveals how useful the "Heritage, families and marriages" book is

In Italy 48 divorces every 100 marriages: in Armando Cecatiello's book everything you need to know for "conscious and serene choices":

The fights between them remain off the pages of the newspapers for now. Not as it happened for the divorce between Silvio Berlusconi and Veronica Lario. Their separation path was difficult. With a twist on everyone: the return of the maintenance allowance of the lady from 2014 onwards. Decided by the judges who argued: the standard of living under marriage cannot be guaranteed forever. If the saying "beds joined, separate accounts”Says a lot about the advisability of choosing to divide assets at the time of marriage, there are many other aspects to consider in the event of a separation. Often obscure to those who do not know the legal matter. Except then discover them later. When you are now projected into the dimension of the film "The War of the Roses". For those who, man or woman, straight or gay, wish to take the fateful step, civil marriage, cohabitation, de facto union, it would be prudent to inquire. Armando Cecatiello, lawyer expert in family and personal law, in the protection of assets in the national and international context, accompanies the reader in the jungle of regulations governing unions in Italy. It clearly provides the basic elements on assets, children, maintenance, adoptions, inheritance, severance pay, succession, will, protections and much more. An indispensable guide, given the complexity and breadth of the subject. Useful information to face the fateful step in a conscious way. And, never say never, so as not to harm yourself and others in the event of the relationship being wrecked.

Read the full article ➡️ https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2022/07/17/in-italia-48-divorzi-ogni-100-matrimoni-nel-libro-di-armando-cecatiello-tutto-quello-che-ce-da-sapere-per-scelte-consapevoli-e-serene/6663853/amp/


IoDonna of Corriere della Sera Talk about the new book by Armando Cecatiello

Marriages, separations & Co. How to protect yourself and your children

Slaid, civilly united or simple de facto couple: today there are many types of family possible. But how children and assets can be protected according to the various types of union? And in case of separation, when, eventually, love should end: how not to feel lost?

So here are the things to know about it, suggested by Armando Cecatiello, lawyer matrimonialista, international divorce specialist and author of "Families and Weddings. Know your rights and duties for conscious and serene choices ".

Read the full article ➡️https://www.iodonna.it/attualita/famiglia-e-lavoro/2022/07/25/matrimoni-separazioni-co-come-tutelarsi-e-tutelare-i-figli/


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